Paris, TN – During the monthly meeting of the Paris Board of Public Utilities Board of Directors, the Board voted to approve a work authorization with Allen & Hoshall to design and bid a make ready project for a proposed Comcast route across the electric system.
Comcast is installing fiber optic infrastructure from Paducah KY to Waverly TN and will attach to BPU poles across the BPU electric system from the north to the south.
During the meeting, BPU General Manager, Terry Wimberley explained, “Comcast will not be providing services to residents of Paris and Henry County. They will simply be transporting their signal through our territory.”
Comcast will fully reimburse BPU for all costs included in design and bid work performed by Allen & Hoshall.
During the board meeting, Wimberley was asked, “Why is this good for BPU?”
Wimberley explained, “This project will provide infrastructure upgrades to the BPU system and the resulting upgrades will benefit our system and help to increase reliability for our customers.”
About BPU – Established as an independent board of the City of Paris in 1938, BPU is a municipally-owned utility that provides electric, water and wastewater services to residents of Paris and Henry County as a means of promoting economic development and enhancing quality of life in the community. Serving over 22,000 homes and businesses, BPU strives to provide reliable, safe and affordable services to our community.