Paris, TN – Paris BPU is proud to now provide customers access to a GenerLink meter collar device that makes connecting to a portable generator safe and easy.
When you connect a portable generator to GenerLink and start it up, GenerLink automatically disconnects your service from the electric utility grid preventing the possibility of backfeed, which can damage equipment and harm electric personnel. Because GenerLink is designed and rated to connect directly to a standard electric service of 200 amps or less, all you have to do to operate a critical appliance is flip a breaker on in the breaker panel once the generator is connected.
“Paris BPU is pleased to offer access to the GenerLink device,” said Paris BPU President & CEO, Terry Wimberley. “The convenience to the customer and added safety for our employees is a win-win. Our utility continues to seek and evaluate customer offerings like this program that are both practical and useful.”
The GenerLink™ device:
- Eliminates the use of extension cords and other connections that can be hazardous to members and utility personnel.
- Detects when a generator is operating and automatically disconnects from the utility grid, eliminating dangerous backfeed.
- Is equipped with GenerLok™, a unique interlocking power cord system that provides a quick and easy connection of a portable generator.
- Is typically installed in just an hour or less by our utility personnel.
- Is easily installed behind a member’s electric meter and requires no rewiring of their electrical system.
- Allows customers to have the flexibility to run virtually any appliance, up to the capacity of their generator by simply energizing appliances from their breaker panel.
Pricing on the system starts at $790 with a payment program available through Paris BPU.
For more information, please contact Cole Edwards, Vice President, Engineering and Metering at 731-642-1322 ext. 126 or via email at
About Paris BPU – Established in 1938, Paris BPU is a municipal utility that provides electric, water and wastewater services to residents of Paris and Henry County as a means of promoting economic development and enhancing quality of life in the community. Serving over 21,000 homes and businesses, Paris BPU strives to provide reliable, safe and affordable services to our community.