Paris, TN – The January meeting of the Paris Board of Public Utilities Board of Directors began with general business including the approval of minutes from the last regular monthly meeting held on December 19, 2019, along with an approval of monthly financial and statistical reports.
The Board then voted to approve the signing of a Continuing Services Agreement (CSA) with OHM Advisors.
BPU General Manager, Terry Wimberley explained that, “the CSA sets forth the general terms and conditions that would govern the relationship between BPU and OHM Advisors at such time BPU should decide to engage OHM in engineering services.”
This agreement commits BPU to no work with OHM Advisors and carries no monetary commitment.
A motion to declare items as surplus equipment was approved by the Board. Items included in the motion were office furniture along with two vehicles.
The Board also voted to approve the quarterly write-off of delinquent accounts in the amount of $7,569.38.
The final item of business was the approval by the Board allowing BPU to sign a Letter of Intent for Municipal Advisory Services with Raymond James & Associates. BPU has used Raymond James for many years as a financial consultant through the City of Paris, this letter allows BPU the opportunity to establish its own relationship with Raymond James.
“As we move toward becoming a Municipal Utility Authority, BPU has need to establish its own relationship with Raymond James,” said Wimberley. “This letter signifies that intent.”
A Municipal Utility Authority is an independent government entity. Other Municipal Utility Authorities in West Tennessee include JEA in Jackson along with Union City Energy Authority, Brownsville Utilities and Bolivar Energy Authority.
Wimberley explained, “The Utility Authority topic will be discussed in more detail in coming months but, the move toward BPU became a Municipal Utility Authority appears to be a win-win for the City and BPU.”
The February meeting of the Board will take place on Thursday, February 27, 2020.
About BPU – Established as an independent board of the City of Paris in 1938, BPU is a municipally-owned utility that provides electric, water and wastewater services to residents of Paris and Henry County as a means of promoting economic development and enhancing quality of life in the community. Serving over 22,000 homes and businesses, BPU strives to provide reliable, safe and affordable services to our community.