Paris, TN –BPU along with other state and national agencies recognize April as Safe Digging month and remind our customers to call 811 before beginning any project that requires digging or excavating to have underground utility lines marked for free. Nationwide, an underground utility line is damaged by digging once every nine minutes, and one-third of these incidents are caused because there was no call to 811 to have the underground utility lines located.
No matter the size of the project, from as small as installing a mailbox to as large as adding onto your home, all projects that require digging can result in damage to underground utility lines, which is why it is important to call 811 to have those lines marked, free of charge, before beginning your project. In place of a call, you can also download Tennessee 811’s mobile app for Android and Apple devices. This free app can be used to submit a locate request, search for locate tickets, and access the Tennessee 811 handbook among other useful tools.
Tennessee State Law requires anyone about to engage in digging, excavation, moving of earth, demolition, or any type of activity that could damage underground utility lines, to notify Tennessee One Call (811) of their intent to dig no less than three business days before the work is to begin. Tennessee One Call will then notify BPU and other member companies about the proposed work and then the utilities at the requested digging site will be marked with paint or flags, so customers will know where to safely dig.
BPU also wants to remind customers of the following information regarding safe digging:
- Damage to underground utility lines can disrupt service to an entire neighborhood, cause injury or death to the excavators, and result in fines and repair costs. The depths of utility lines vary and multiple lines may exist in the same area.
- Customers should always use extreme caution when they dig and avoid digging within the utility safety zone. The safety zone is a strip of land the width of the utility, plus two feet on either side.
- Customer-owned service lines such as underground electrical, water and sewer are not mapped and therefore may not be marked. Other customer-owned buried lines that are not marked include lines for outside lighting, invisible fencing, irrigation systems, field lines and septic tanks.
About BPU – Established as an independent board of the City of Paris in 1938, BPU is a municipally-owned utility that provides electric, water and wastewater services to residents of Henry County as a means of promoting economic development and enhancing quality of life in the community. Serving over 22,000 homes and businesses, BPU strives to provide reliable, safe and affordable services to our community.